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How to extract and download data from the Local Systems database.

Data may be downloaded as XML in the same format used to harvest the local systems
Section MXD below

Data may be downloaded as JSON in the same format we use to build the portal
Section JSON Data below


DDF-MXD is the Danish Research Database Metadata Exchange Format for Documents. It is the only format supported for adding data to NORA Local Systems portal.

You can find a PDF documentation of the lastest version of MXD at


The JSON data is an internal representation of the MXD data. It is subset of the MXD data fields, only those which are useful and supported by the portal. It does however contain enhancements, primarily the normalisation of some of the data like Danish organisation names, locations, OAI Scope, etc.

View JSON fields description

JSON Array

If you have enough memory to parse the whole JSON at once, you can use the following extracts which are formatted as JSON arrays of records.

JSON Record List

For easier parsing with more limited memory, you can use the following extracts which are formatted as lists of JSON records, one per line.